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I am a mother of three Queens, who I love to call my real bosses. They could have easily been my reason why not but they are wholeheartedly my reason why YES!


My A-Z of Biblical Affirmations Book was written because of my daughters- as a working mom who is always on the go, I wanted to and still want to incorporate my faith into how I raise my girls.

It became a routine where I would read out biblical affirmations for them and try to use that as a lesson session on how they learn their alphabets ; then one day, I wondered - is there no book as this? A book that could teach alphabets, but in a faith based way?


And this was the question that birthed My A-Z of Biblical Affirmations Book for Kids.


Thank you for buying, for supporting this mama and her girls, and for telling the whole world about us!

Thank you for also buying for the kids in your life and speaking life through them using the content of this book.


Let us keep speaking life to our precious vines, our children.

This book is a reminder of who God already says they are before anyone had an opinion.

This book is centred around building their confidence and esteem.


As inspired, my precious vine will be a hub of faith filled content and merchandise for children and those that love them.

It will also be a community for and of moms who want to be centred on faith while growing and supporting one another.


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